Refutation of the Theory of Living in the Tombs Until the Judgement Day

Quran, Surah Al Muddassir- 74 Verses no. 26-27: -
Verse no. 26: - Soon I will throw him into hell.
Verse no. 27: - And what do you know what that hell is. {A person named Waleed bin Mughirah first accepted Islam. He also got good benefits. Earlier, he was the chief of the opponents. Later, he started opposing Hazrat Muhammad ji. He started calling Quran a magic and started saying that it is a speech spoken by a man. It is not of Allah. He started calling Prophet Muhammad a magician. Then Allah, who gave the knowledge of Quran, said in the aforesaid Surah Muddassir-74 Verses no. 26-27 that I will soon throw him into hell, that is, I will put him in the fire of hell. I will send him to hell.
Readers! Please think that instead of the grave, it has been said to put him soon into the hell, which proves that theory wrong in which it is said that till the doomsday, everyone from the prophet to the common man will live in the tombs. The journey of the skies of Hazrat Muhammad ji is making it clear that all the prophets and the good and bad children of Adam ji were in heaven and hell above.
Conclusion: - Along with the knowledge of Quran Majeed, the experience of Hazrat Muhammad is also of no less importance. It was because a noble prophet like Hazrat Muhammad was born that the holy knowledge of the Quran came in the hands of human beings. Like if a vessel is clean, then ghee (clarified butter) is poured in it. Pouring ghee in an unclean vessel spoils the ghee. In what circumstances did Hazrat Muhammad ji receive the knowledge of Quran? It is known to every child of the Muslim community that Allah, who has given the knowledge of Quran, is considered the Khaalik (Master of the world) by the Muslim community. They consider him alone to be the (Kaadir) Almighty God. They also believe that the knowledge given by that Allah was brought in its entirety without any change by Angel Jibreel and inserted into the soul of Prophet Muhammad. Then it was spoken from the mouth of Hazrat Muhammad. Its writers wrote it down. Hazrat Muhammad ji was illiterate. It has also been mentioned in the process of delivery of the knowledge of the Quran to Hazrat Muhammad that sometimes Jibreel would reveal knowledge by appearing before Hazrat Muhammad. Sometimes, he imparted knowledge while remaining invisible. Sometimes, Allah Taala would directly put the knowledge in the soul of Prophet Muhammad. Prophet Muhammad used to lie down with his face covered with a sheet, and then he would utter the knowledge of Quran. In this way, the sacred knowledge of the Quran was obtained.
Verses of some of the Surahs of the Quran have been mentioned above, in which we have to understand the indications about rebirth.
You have read in the discussion above that in Surat Kahf-18 Verses 47-48, it has been said that the earth will not be destroyed in the Pralay (dissolution). The structures above it like the mountains, humans, their homes, habitats, creatures, animals and birds will all be destroyed. The earth will appear as an open ground.
Then it has been clarified in Surah Mulki - 67 Verse no. 2 that Allah has made a law to die and live to test human beings that who performs good deeds and who performs bad deeds.
Then in Surah Ar Rum- 30 Verse no. 11, it has been said that Allah creates the creation the first time, then He will repeat it. (He will make it recur.)
In Surah Ambiya-21 Verse no. 104, it is said that on that day we will roll up the sky in such a way just as paper is rolled up in a bundle. Just as we (Kainat) created the universe earlier, We will repeat it. This promise is our responsibility, we have to definitely do it.
In Surah Al Baqra- 2 Verse no. 243: - Allah killed. Then He gave them life.
In Surah Al Muddassir-74 Verses no. 26-27, it has been stated that soon I will throw him into hell. What does he know what hell is? (This also disapproves of the theory of living in tombs.)