Taking Interest is a Sin

Quran Majeed
Surah Al-Baqra-2 Verse no. 276: - Allah ruins everything of the interest taker, that is, destroys him, and prospers the one who does deeds of charity (donates). And Allah does not like an ungrateful person who does evil deeds.
Surah Al-Baqra-2 Verse no. 277: - Yes, those who have faith and do good deeds, offer namaz (prayer) and give alms (zakat), their reward is certainly with their Lord. There is no chance for any terror (fear) and misery (grief) for them.
Surah Al-Baqra-2 Verse no. 278: - O people who have faith! Fear Allah and waive of what is left of your interest from the people. If you really believe.
Surah Al-Baqra-2 Verse no. 279: - If you do not do this, then beware that there is a declaration of war against you from Allah and His Messenger (representative) i.e., strict punishment will be given.
Surah Al-Baqra-2 Verse no. 280:- If your debtor is in trouble, spare him till his financial conditions get better, and if you donate, it is even better for you. If you understand.