The Giver of the Knowledge of Quran Reveals his Glory

Surah Ambiya-21 (from Quran Majeed, large size)
Verse no. 92: - This is your way (on which you have to remain firm); this is the only way and I am your Lord, so you should worship me.
Verse no. 30: - Those infidels did not know that the sky and the earth were (initially) closed. Then We opened them both (by our power). And We made every living thing out of water. Do they still not have faith (even after hearing those things)?
Verse no. 31: - And We created mountains on the ground so that the ground would not shake with those people on it. And We made wide paths on this land so that those people could reach their destinations (through them).
Verse no. 32: - And We created (by our power) the sky (like) a roof which is safe (everlasting) and these people have turned a blind eye to the (existing) signs of this (in the sky).