The Knowledge Which is Unknown Even to the Revealer of the Knowledge of the Quran and the Gita

Surah Al Furqan 25, Verse 59: - Kabir Allah (Allahu Akbar) is the one who created the entire creation (of the skies and of the earth) in six days. Then He sat down on the throne up there in His own world. That Kabir Allah is very (Rahman) merciful. Ask a (Baakhabar) Tatvdarshi Saint (having full knowledge) for complete information about him; know from him.
It proves that the one who imparts the knowledge of Quran does not have complete knowledge about that Almighty God Kabir.
The giver of the knowledge of Quran does not have the method to attain Him. That is why, in Surah 42 Ash-Shura's Verses no. 1 & 2, symbolic words have been mentioned, the meaning of which was not known to anyone till now, except Me, the servant (Rampal Das). Even Hazrat Muhammad did not know about them. Without their knowledge, salvation cannot be attained. Neither can heaven (the heaven of Kaal) be attained.
This also proves that, from Hazrat Adam to Hazrat Muhammad, all the prophets and their followers were deprived of salvation. They could not even go to (bahisht) heaven. Saint Garibdas ji has said that even Prophet Muhammad could not go to (bahisht) heaven because of not following the true method of worship. Repeating the same method of worship after him, all the (Turks) Muslims have also forgotten the true worship.
Speech (hindi): - Garib, Nabi Muhammad nahi bahisht sidhaana | peechche bhoola hai turkaana ||