Benefits of Chanting Naam Mantra

If the true (naam) mantra is also chanted along with these yagyas (religious rituals), then the fruit one gets is more and better.
In Yajurved Chapter 40 Mantra 15, it has been prescribed to chant Om (ॐ) (naam) mantra. Gita is the essence of the Vedas. In Gita also, in Chapter 8 Verse 13, it has been mentioned to chant Om (ॐ) naam.
The Vedas and the Gita prescribe recitation of Om naam and performance of the spiritual practice of the above-mentioned yagyas (religious rituals).
Important: If a person, who chants Om (ॐ) mantra along with the yagyas (religious rituals), dies while doing this spiritual practice throughout his life, he attains Mahaswarg (Great Heaven) i.e., Brahmlok. He enjoys comforts for a longer duration. But he would have to suffer in the hell (Jahannam) too, and the cycle of birth and death will continue forever. One has to also suffer in the bodies of animals, birds and other creatures.