Sultan Ibrahim was the Soul of Samman

At the time when Supreme God Kabir had performed a (leela) divine play in Kashi for one hundred and twenty years, Samman, a resident of Delhi and a Maniyaar by caste, his wife Neki and son Shiv (Seu) had taken initiation from the Supreme God. Their financial condition was weak. They strictly followed the teachings of God. They had complete faith in God. Both husband and wife used to sell bangles door-to-door. Besides, they also used to extol their Gurudev Kabir Ji.
They used to tell, “Our Satguru Dev Ji cured the incurable disease of Emperor Sikandar Lodhi with mere blessings. Emperor Sikandar had beheaded Swami Ramanand ji. Satguru Kabir Ji resurrected him by attaching his head to his torso. A boy named Kamaal had died. His tribe had set him adrift on a raft in the river as a last rite. Shekhtaqi, who is the religious leader of Emperor Sikandar, did not believe that Kabir ji revived Ramanand ji even after he was beheaded. He used to say to the king that Kabir knows incantations; it is nothing else. The dead can never be raised. I will only agree, if he revives a dead body in front of me.”
“Emperor Sikandar had full faith in Kabir ji because he had been very distressed by the disease and had killed Swami Ramanand ji with his own hands. Kabir ji had resurrected Ramanand ji in front of him. Shekhtaqi was also present by the river that day. Seeing the corpse, he said, “If Kabir resurrects this corpse in front of me, I will accept him as the prophet of Allah.”
“Kabir ji said, “O Shekh ji! You are also an eminent Pir; you may try first, or later you will say, “I would have done it too.” All the ministers present there and the Emperor also said the same thing, “You are not a small personality either? Do it.”
Shekhtaqi out of shame recited incantations, but in vain. He said, “The dead can never be raised. Kabir wants the corpse to float further down the river and his reputation be saved. Look, the corpse is drifting away.” Kabir ji signalled with his hand and said, “Corpse, come back.” The corpse of the boy came back like a boat powered by an engine. Kabir Ji said, “O Soul! Wherever you are, enter the dead body and come out by the order of Kabir.” Instantly, the 12-year-old boy was resurrected, and he came out of the river. The audience present there said, “Kabir ji! You have performed a (kamaal) miracle.” The boy was named Kamaal. Supreme God Kabir raised that boy Kamaal like his own child in his home. Shekhtaqi was abashed, but he did not agree. He said that the child was in shock. Considering him dead by mistake, he had been set afloat in the water. I will accept if Kabir resurrects my daughter who has died and has been buried in the grave for many days.”
“Supreme God Kabir said, “I will bring your daughter back to life after two days. Make a public announcement in the surrounding villages and in Delhi that everyone should come and see. That is what was done. The dead body was disinterred. Supreme God Kabir said, “Shekh ji! You may try lest you later say that the girl was in shock.” The people present there said, “Kabir ji! If Shekh had power, why would he have allowed his daughter to die? You may try.” Kabir ji said, “O Shekhtaqi's daughter! Come back to life.” The girl did not revive. He said this twice. The girl did not come back to life. Shekhtaqi did not feel sad that his daughter did not come back to life; he started celebrating the defeat of Kabir ji and started dancing and clapping. Kabir Ji said, “O Soul! Wherever you are, by the order of Kabir, enter your body and come out of the grave.” As soon as he said that, there was a movement in the body of the 12-year-old girl. The girl got up, came out and prostrated herself before Kabir ji. God Kabir said, “O daughter of Shekhtaqi! Go home with your father.” Shekhtaqi also grabbed his daughter's hand and asked her to come home. The girl was named Kamaali because the people present there said, “Kamaal hai, Kamaal hai (It is a miracle).” Hence, she was named Kamaali.”
Kamaali said, “As far as Shekhtaqi is concerned, I had gone to Yamraj. Now I am the daughter of Allah Akbar. This Kabir is Allah Himself.” In this way, with the blessings of Supreme God Kabir, the girl discoursed for 1/½ hours and gave information about her previous births. She said, “Once I was Rabia. At that time, Kabir ji had met me when I was 12 years old. I performed the spiritual practice preached by Him for 4 years. Then I started performing the religious practice of my Muslim religion which was futile. My next life was of a girl named Bansuri. I had even severed my body and offered it in Mecca. In the next birth, I lived the life of a prostitute. Because of those four years of true worship, I got 2½ births of a human being. Now I had no human life left. I had to take birth as an animal. At that very moment, God Kabir went to Dharmraj and got me released, and inserted me into my body. I have got this human life by His grace. Now I will live with my real father, Allah Kabir.”
Kabir ji raised Kamaali as his own daughter and kept her in his home. Lakhs of spectators present there took initiation from Supreme God Kabir. God Kabir gave the first five mantras in initiation to everyone. {Thus, Kabir ji had 64 lakh disciples at that time. They had taken refuge in Him only after seeing the miracles.}” The women of Delhi after hearing these strange things from Neki and Samman used to later discuss amongst themselves whether these things could be possible? Some used to say, “My husband was also present there at the time when Shekh's daughter was raised from the dead after being exhumed, but my husband got angry that why Kabir took the girl away? She should have been handed over to the one whose daughter she was.” The meaning is that overall, those women used to believe it to be a joke, but they used to remain silent in front of them.