Resurrecting a Dead Boy Named Kamaal

Shekhtaqi was roaming around with sullen resentment against Emperor Sikandar. Sikandar asked, “What is the matter Pir ji?” Shekhtaqi said, “Do you not know the matter?” Sikandar asked, “What is the matter?” Shekhtaqi said, “Who is this with you?” Sikandar said, “This is God (Allah).” Shekhtaqi said, “Okay, Allah has now started coming in form on the earth. How is he Allah?” Sikandar said, “Firstly, He is Allah because my illness was such that it was not getting cured by anyone. This Kabir God had only touched me, and I became healthy.” Shekhtaqi said, “These are magicians.” Sikandar then said, "Secondly, He is Allah in this way that I had beheaded his Gurudev and he immediately brought him back to life in front of my eyes."
Shekhtaqi said, “If this Kabir is Allah, then I will test him. If Kabir ji makes a dead person alive in front of me, then I will accept him as Allah. Otherwise, I will go to Delhi and tell the entire Muslim community that this king has become an (kafir) infidel.”
Sikandar Lodhi got scared lest Shekhtaqi should overthrow his kingdom as soon as he reached Delhi. (The bestower of the kingdom was sitting nearby and he was afraid of that fool.) The Emperor said to Shekhtaqi, “What will make you happy?” Shekhtaqi said, “I will be happy if this Kabir raises someone from the dead in front of me.” The Emperor told his problem to Kabir ji, “My Pir (religious leader) has said, “If Kabir resurrects a dead person in front of me, then I am ready to accept all his words. Otherwise, I will turn all Muslims against you.” He will put my kingdom at risk too.”
Lord Kabir said, “That is fine.” (Lord Kabir thought that this Shekhtaqi is an ignoramus. If he accepts my words, then majority of the Muslims will accept it as they follow him because he is the Pir of the Emperor of Delhi, and if he will explain everything properly to the Muslims then those innocent souls will get emancipated by doing true worship, because they believe their Pir quickly.)
Therefore, Lord Kabir said, “Shekhtaqi! Find a corpse.” In the morning, the corpse of a 10- to 12-year-old boy was found floating in the water. Shekhtaqi said, “There it is, a corpse. Raise it from the dead.” Lord Kabir said, “You may try first in case you claim later that you could have done it as well.” The ministers and soldiers present said, “Pir ji! You may also try.”
Shekhtaqi kept on chanting incantations. Meanwhile, the corpse floated three furlongs away. Shekhtaqi said, “Kabir wanted this crisis to be averted from his head. Do dead people ever become alive? The dead are only resurrected on doomsday.” Lord Kabir said, “Shekh ji! Sit down and keep calm.” Lord Kabir signaled that corpse with his hand to come back. The dead body of the twelve-year-old boy floated against the flow of the river and stopped in front of Kabir ji. The water currents were flowing underneath it and the dead body was stationary above. Lord Kabir said, “O Soul, wherever you are, by Kabir’s order, enter the dead body and come out.” As soon as Lord Kabir said this, the dead body trembled, the boy rose from the dead and came out. He prostrated himself at the feet of Lord Kabir. "Say- Glory be to Supreme God Kabir!"
All the people present there said, “Lord Kabir has performed a (Kamaal) miracle.” Lord Kabir named that boy Kamaal and kept him with him. He raised him like his own child and gave him initiation-mantra. After that, they all came to Delhi. Everybody came to know that this boy who is with them was resurrected by Supreme God Kabir. The word spread far and wide. Shekhtaqi felt extremely despondent. He thought, “This Kabir has become a big enemy. He has garnered even greater fame.”
Shekhtaqi's jealousy kept on escalating. His thirteen-year-old daughter was buried in a grave in the ground after her death. Shekhtaqi said, “If Kabir would resurrect my daughter, who has been buried in the grave, I will accept him as Allah.”