Resurrecting Kamaali, the Dead Daughter of Sheikhtaqi

Shekhtaqi thought, “It is proving difficult to subjugate Kabir by any means.” So, Shekhtaqi said to the public, “This Kabir is a magician. He has corrupted the mind of Emperor Sikandar by casting such spells.” He said to all the Muslims, “You should support me, otherwise, the matter will get worse.” The innocent Muslims said, “Pir ji! We are with you. We will do as you say.” Shekhtaqi said, “We will accept this Kabir as God when he revives my daughter who is buried in the grave.”
A prayer was sent to Venerable Lord Kabir. Lord Kabir thought that this naive soul might accept it in this way. {Because all these souls are the children of Lord Kabir. Kaal has put the cover of religion on us. He has made us enemies of each other.} Shekhtaqi's daughter’s body was buried in the grave. Shekhtaqi said, “If he raises my daughter from the dead, we will accept this Kabir as Allah, and I will issue a proclamation by beat of drum everywhere that this Kabir ji is God.” Lord Kabir said, “Alright.” That day was fixed. Lord Kabir said, “Spread the information everywhere, so that no one has any doubt left.” Devotees gathered there in thousands to view the spectacle. Lord Kabir got the body disinterred. The corpse of a twelve- to thirteen-year-old girl was kept in it. Lord Kabir said to Shekhtaqi, “You may try to revive her first.” All the people present there said, “Maharaj ji, if he had any such power, who would let his child die? A person sacrifices one’s body, mind and wealth to save the life of one’s child. O Lord of the poor, Have mercy on us.” Venerable Supreme God Kabir said, “O Shekhtaqi's daughter, come back to life.” He said it three times, but the girl did not rise from the dead. Shekhtaqi started rejoicing. He danced and jumped, and said, “Look, the pretence of this hypocrite has been caught.” Lord Kabir wanted to make him dance to let him rejoice.
Kabir, raaj tajna sahaj hai, sahaj triya ka neh | maan badaai irshya durlabh tajna ye ||
The disease of superiority, pride, envy is terrible. He was not sad that his daughter did not come back to life, but he was celebrating the defeat of Lord Kabir. Lord Kabir said, “Sit down, Mahatma ji. Keep calm.” Lord Kabir ordered, “O Soul! Wherever you are, by Kabir’s order, enter this dead body and come out.” As soon as Lord Kabir said this, a tremor occurred in the dead body and that girl rose from the dead and came out. She prostrated herself at the feet of Lord Kabir. (Say- Glory be to Satguru Dev Ji!)
That girl gave a discourse for an hour and a half by the grace of Lord Kabir and said, “O innocent people, this is God who has come Himself. He is Supreme God (Purna Brahm), the Lord of the infinite universes. Are you considering him an ordinary weaver (Dhaanak)? O Misled People, this is God who has Himself come before you. By falling at His feet, get your chronic illness of birth and death cured and go to Satyalok. Having gone where, a soul escapes the cycle of birth and death.” Kamaali said that no one can set you free from the trap of this Kaal except Bandi Chhor God Kabir. As per Hindu method of worship, whether one goes on pilgrimage, reads Gita, Bhagwat, Ramayan, Mahabharat, Puranas, Upanishads, Vedas, or worships Ram, Krishna, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiv, Mother Goddess-Sheranwali (Aadi Maya, Aadi Bhavani, Prakriti Devi) or Jyoti Niranjan, a living being cannot escape the sufferings in the bodies of eighty-four lakh life-forms, and even by the Muslim method of worship, a living being cannot escape from the web of Kaal. For example, (roza) observing fasts, celebrating Eid - Bakrid, offering (Namaz) prayers five times a day, going to Mecca-Medina, (azaan) giving a call to prayer in the mosque etc., are all futile. Kamaali, while addressing all the people present there, narrated the story of her past births, which she had recollected by the grace of Lord Kabir. You have read them earlier.
Lord Kabir said, “Daughter! Go with your father.” The girl said, “You are my real father. He is a fake father. He had buried me in the ground. We have settled our accounts.” All the people present there said, “Lord Kabir has performed a (Kamaal) miracle.” Lord Kabir named the girl Kamaali. He kept her with him as his daughter and gave her initiation-mantra. Thousands of people present there received initiation from Supreme God Kabir. Now Shekhtaqi thought, “Things have gone from bad to worse. All my dominion is gone.”