Summary of the Chapter Mohammad Bodh

Information About the Muslim Religion
In Kabir Sagar, "Mohammad Bodh" is the 14th Chapter and it is on Page 6.
Dharmdas ji asked Supreme God Kabir about explaining knowledge to Hazrat Mohammad, the founder of Muslim religion, that O Bandi Chhor (Liberator from Prison)! Did you also meet Prophet Mohammad? Did he take refuge in you or not? I want to know this. You are the Master of all, the Omniscient.
Supreme God Kabir gave information about Mohammad's religion to Dharmdas ji in this way (in the words of the author Rampal Das.)
Supreme God Kabir imparted the knowledge of Muslim Religion to his beloved soul Dharmdas ji which is as follows.
Readers are requested that Kabir Panthis have removed a lot of content from Kabir Sagar. The reason was that they could not understand that description. Based on their low intelligence, they dismissed it as wrong and removed it. I have a very old Kabir Sagar. Based on that and God Kabir ji imparted his knowledge to Sant Garibdas ji in the year 1727 (Vikrami Samvat 1784). Sant Garibdas ji was a 10-year-old boy at the time. God Kabir took him to Satyalok and then left him back. After that Sant Garibdas ji gave an eye-witnessed account. Then I (Rampal Das) studied all the religious texts from the point of view whether this description is also in the ancient scriptures. If the description given in Holy Kabir Sagar is also present in the ancient holy scriptures (Holy Vedas, Holy Gita, Holy Puranas, Holy Quran and Holy Bible which is the sum of three books, Taurat, Zaboor, Injil), then all the innocent people of the world, divided into different sects in the name of religion, can be tied in one string. From the study, it was found that to whatever extent i.e., of whatever destination, all the scriptures have the knowledge, it matches with that of Kabir Sagar. Kabir Sagar also has knowledge beyond those texts.
Supreme God Kabir told Dharmdas ji, “O Dharmdas! Muslims believe that human beings have originated from Baba Adam. This is their incomplete knowledge. The soul of Adam was the king Rishabh Dev in his previous birth, who is considered to be the originator of Jainism and the first Tirthankar. I (God Kabir) had explained this to Prophet Mohammad that you consider Baba Adam your first man, and you consider yourself to be his child. At the time when Baba Adam did not exist, God still existed. This knowledge is written in the Holy Bible in the book of Genesis.
It is considered that before Prophet Mohammad, there have been millions of prophets among the children of Baba Adam, of which are 1. Dawood (David) 2. Musa (Moses) 3. Isa (Jesus). Dawood ji got the book Zaboor, Musa ji got the Taurat and Isa (Jesus) ji got the book Injil. Everyone got the above books in one attempt. Prophet Muhammad got the book Quran Sharif which was received in several phases in many ways.
When a new sect is founded, it is started in a community by a member of the same community. The reason is that God sends a great man to the world with this very aim that he gets rid of the evils, malpractices and scripture-opposed worship prevalent among men, and prepares devotees who are virtuous and worship according to the scriptural method. Because of which, he has to start with his own community. Conservative and selfish cult gurus by misleading the public make it strongly oppose that true saint. They make his life extremely difficult. But he is a part (incarnation) of God sent by God.
Two powers are doing their work in this world.
- One is Kaal Brahm who is also called Jyoti Niranjan. The Vedantis (knower of the Vedas) call him Brahm and consider him formless. The Muslims call Him alone as Bechoon (formless) Allah.
- The second power is Satya Purush, who in the Gita has been called Param Akshar Purush, Sachidanand Ghan Brahm, Divya Param Purush, Tat Brahm. (Gita Chapter 7 Verse 29, Chapter 8 Verse 3, and Chapter 8 Verses 8, 9, 10.)
Kaal (Brahm)
The kingdom of Kaal Brahm is the region of twenty-one brahmands (universes) which is called Kaal Lok. Kaal Brahm has been cursed to eat one lakh human beings. Due to which, he gives incomplete spiritual knowledge as well as the knowledge of evils like consumption of alcohol, meat, tobacco and worship of shrines and holy places etc. As a result of which, worshippers waste their lives by indulging in other sensual pleasures and in religious practices against the scriptures while doing worship and remain in the web of Kaal Brahm. This is the motive of Kaal Brahm.
Satya Purush (Supreme God)
The second power is Satya Purush. All the living beings in the infinite Brahmands (universes) are the souls of Satya Purush who used to live in Satyalok. From there, they came here with Kaal Brahm because of their imbecility. There in Satyalok, every living being had his own home, family and all other facilities. Everyone had more amenities than the deities of Kaal Brahm. No one used to become old, and no one died. The creation there is the same as here. Here, it is made up of five elements. The creation there is made up of one element, light. Consider this to be made of clay, and the one there to be made of gold. This is perishable. That is imperishable. Satya Purush is Kabir Ji himself. His body's name is Kabir. In the Vedas, He is called KavirDev. In the Quran, He is called Allah Akbar, Allah Kabir.
Supreme God Kabir wants - “All the living beings must understand my knowledge and do worship given by me. Forsaking all the vices and by becoming pure, everyone will go to Satyalok. They will face no hardship there. There is neither death nor old age there. All food items are always available. There is no robber, rogue, thief etc there. There are men, women and children in Satyalok just like here.”
Kaal Brahm wants - “All beings should remain trapped in my web. They should keep taking birth and die. By doing evil deeds and incurring sins, they should remain in the cycle of birth and death. No one should have knowledge of Satyalok and Satya Purush. They should consider my knowledge to be final.” Therefore, Kaal Brahm sends a good soul out of the souls of Supreme God Kabir as his prophet i.e., messenger of worship to give his knowledge. He imparts the knowledge by which everyone remains trapped in his, Kaal’s, web. It is he who has got himself propagated by Baba Adam, Hazrat Dawood, Hazrat Musa, Hazrat Isa (Jesus Christ), Hazrat Mohammad and incarnations like Ram, Krishna, Aadi Shankaracharya and various seers and sages.
Satya Purush Himself comes at the inception of every (Yug) era and performs his (leela) divine act. He himself propagates His true knowledge, of which books are made. Then the Supreme God sends his prophet i.e., a messenger who preaches worship. Before the Prophet of Satya Purush, Kaal Brahm sends his own prophets. He makes the public firm on false knowledge and other evils through them. The entire human society becomes unyielding considering its respective religious practices, spiritual knowledge and traditions to be the best.
When Satya Purush Himself comes or sends his part/incarnation, then all the human beings strongly oppose Him considering the true knowledge given by him to be untrue. O Dharmdas! You are also witnessing this. You too were firm on the knowledge and worship of Kaal. Similarly, many devotees are worshipping considering Lord Kaal a kind and merciful God. Kaal Brahm also makes the good and truly dedicated souls of God his prophets. One lakh eighty thousand prophets among the offspring of Baba Adam, 88 thousand sages and other preachers of Hindu religion, all these were virtuous and truly dedicated, whom Kaal Brahm made his preachers. The sages themselves performed spiritual practice based on holy Vedas, holy Shrimad Bhagvat Gita and Puranas and asked their followers to do the same.
The knowledge in the Vedas and the Gita is excellent, but incomplete. The Puranas, which are 18 in number, are the personal experiences of the sages, with some knowledge from the Vedas, and they also contain the biographies of the gods and goddesses. Kaal Brahm gave the knowledge of the four Vedas. The summary of the four Vedas is the Shrimad Bhavagat Gita.
- First of all, Kaal Brahm had given the knowledge of the four Vedas.
- After that, the same Kaal Brahm gave the knowledge of the four books (Zaboor, Taurat, Injil and Quran Sharif). The way of worship has been mentioned in the Vedas and the Gita.
- After that, he gave the knowledge of the book Zaboor to Dawood ji. In this, he gave a partial knowledge of the origin of the universe.
- After this, he gave the knowledge of the book Taurat to Musa ji, and thereafter, the knowledge of the book Injil to Jesus.
- Then later, he gave the knowledge of Quran Sharif to Mohammad ji.
He has given the knowledge of God and worship in the Vedas. Considering it not appropriate to repeat that knowledge in other books Zaboor, Taurat, Injil and Quran Sharif, he has given ordinary knowledge in them. In these, some knowledge is that of the Vedas, and about 40 percent of the knowledge in the Quran is from the Bible. (Three books have been compiled in the book Bible - Zaboor, Taurat and Injil)
- The followers of Musa ji are called Jews.
- The followers of Isa (Jesus) ji are called Christians.
- The followers of Muhammad ji are called Muslims.
All of these consider Baba Adam their first man, that is, the father of all men. All of these believe that as long as the universe lasts, all human beings will continue to die. Continue to bury them in the graves. When the doomsday (dissolution) comes, all the dead (men and women) will be taken out of the graves and resurrected. They will be called to account for their deeds. Those who have performed deeds according to the orders of Allah mentioned in the four (Kateb) books, they will live in (Jannat) heaven. Those, who did not follow the orders of the four books (Zaboor, Taurat, Injil and Quran Sharif), will always burn in the fire of (Dozakh) hell. After this, the world here will be destroyed forever.
Muslims believe that before the dissolution, there was only the Formless Lord. At present, there is no one in Heaven. Nor is there anyone in Hell. Muslims do not believe that there is rebirth. They only believe in one time birth, then death, after that one is in the grave, and then when the world is destroyed, then one is taken out of the grave and sent to heaven and hell according to one's deeds, then full stop i.e., the whole sequence of creation will completely stop. If the above-mentioned belief is true then Hazrat Muhammad saw the congregation of Baba Adam, Musa, Isa, Dawood etc, in Heaven! They too should have stayed in the graves. This proved the law of you Muslims wrong.
God Kabir said to Dharmdas ji, “O Dharmdas! This opinion and knowledge is wrong. The reality is that birth-death, rebirth continues until a soul does not come in my (Kabir ji's) refuge.”
Supreme God Kabir told Dharmdas ji, “The biography of Mohammad which is as follows.
The biography of Muhammad
Hazrat Muhammad was born in the Jewish community about 600 years after Jesus Christ. At that time, spiritual ignorance had spread all over. All the people of that community were idol worshippers. Muhammad's father's name was Abdullah. His grandfather's name was Abdul Muttalib. Mohammad was born from a pregnancy out of a subtle union with a fakir (sage) named Billa Rahman. Mohammad's mother had considered this a wet dream.
{Likewise, Jesus Christ’s mother, Maryam, had also become pregnant by an angel. Maryam also considered it a wet dream, but Jesus' father Yusuf wanted to divorce Maryam considering it a wrong deed. At that very moment, an angel (deity) appeared. He said that Maryam has been impregnated by me. She does not know anything about it. This is a prophet sent from the Lord. He will take birth in the world to give a message of worship to the world. Yusuf obeyed the deity and kept Maryam with respect. There is also evidence in Mahabharat that Dhritrashtra and Pandav were two brothers. They were sons of King Shantanu. Pandav was the younger one. He was unwell and unable to procreate. He had two wives. One Kunti and the other Madri. Kunti gave birth to three sons who were conceived by three angels (deities). Yudhishthir was born of the union of Dharmraj with Kunti. Arjun was born of the union of Kunti with deity Indra. Bheem was born of the union of deity Pawan with Kunti. Nakul was born of the union of deity Srat with Madri and Sahadev was born of the union of deity Nasatya with Madri. There is a story in the Puranas that once the wife of Sun god left home and went to the forest. The reason was that fed up with the excessive sex done by the Sun god, she blessed her maid with an appearance like herself and told her, “Do not disclose my whereabouts. I am going to my father Vishwakarma's house.” Saying this, Usha left. The maid's appearance became like that of Usha. When Sun god came to know about it, he went to Vishwakarma's house. When Vishwakarma insisted on his daughter to go back home, Usha went to the forest and started doing penance in the form of a mare. She thought that if I do penance in the form of a woman, someone may try to molest me. When the Sun god learned that Usha has gone from here as well, he meditated and saw with divine eyes that Usha was doing penance in the form of a mare. The Sun god assumed the form of a horse and was eager to copulate with Usha. Usha in the form of a mare, seeing the horse coming towards her with the wrong intention, in order to save her rear (genitalia), kept moving with him while facing the horse. Out of lust, the Sun god in the form of the horse started copulating in the mouth. His semen fell on the earth. Two boys were born from that. They were called Ashwani (mare) Kumar. They were named Srat and Nasatya. They are called Ashwani Kumar gods.}
Abdullah ji brought his wife from his in-laws' house.
{It is written in Sukshmved that :-
"Musalmaan bistaar billa ka | nauj udar ghar sanjam jaaka ||
jaake bhog Mohammad aaya | jisne yeh dharm chalaaya ||
After a few months, Abdullah ji went for employment with some merchants and died after falling ill. At that time, Mohammad ji was in his mother's womb. Later, Mohammad ji was born. When he was six years old, his mother went with some men and women of the village to see the grave of her husband. There, she also died on the way. Prophet Muhammad became an orphan. His grandfather took care of him. When he was eight years old, his grandfather also died. He was completely orphaned. When he turned 25, he got married to a 40-year-old widow named Khadija. {Khadija had been married twice in elite and affluent families. Due to the death of both of her ex-husbands, all their property was with Khadija. She was extremely wealthy.}
Mohammad ji had three sons (Qasim, Tayab, Taahir) and four daughters from Khadija. When Mohammad ji was 40 years old, he met an angel named Jibreel who started imparting the knowledge of Quran Sharif to him. He became a prophet. Muslims believe that the knowledge of Quran Sharif has been sent directly to Hazrat Muhammad ji from the (bechoon) formless Allah. Angel Jibreel has told it to Mohammad ji without any adulteration in it. Sometimes the angel used to enter the body of Mohammad and speak. Mohammad ji used to lie down by covering his face with a sheet. Wayah (message) used to come from Allah from above. Mohammad ji used to utter that knowledge with his face covered and it was written down. The message received in this manner used to be very painful. Mohammad ji's whole body used to tremble. Actually, the angel used to enter his body and speak. Sometimes, Kaal Brahm himself used to enter his body and speak. (Kaal Brahm had uttered the knowledge of Gita after entering in Krishna's body.)
One day, Hazrat Mohammad ji described his journey to the skies (heaven). Deity Jibreel came with a donkey-like animal (named Buraq) and seating Mohammad ji on it, made him visit the seven heavens above. On ascending, a Meraj meaning a ladder unfolded from above; Buraq climbed it. Mohammad ji was also mounted on it. Jibreel stayed behind. Then a bird came. Riding it, Mohammad ji went to Allah. The bird also left. Muhammad ji spoke directly to Allah. Allah spoke from behind the curtain and asked him to perform 50 namaz (prayers) daily. Then on the advice of Musa ji, he went back and brought the order from Allah to offer 5 namaz (prayers) a day, which Muslims do at present. Hazrat Mohammad told, “I saw Baba Adam, the father of all men, in heaven and on his right was heaven. In heaven were his righteous children who worshipped according to the orders of Allah. They were happy in heaven (Jannat). To the left of Baba Adam was (Dozakh) hell. Baba Adam’s wicked offspring, who had wasted their lives by not doing worship according to the orders of the (Kateb) books of Allah, were suffering in it.” Hazrat Mohammad ji told, “Baba Adam was crying seeing his children suffering in hell on the left side and laughing seeing the righteous children in heaven on the right side. Deity Jibreel told that this is Baba Adam.” Mohammad Saheb told, “In the higher worlds, I saw a congregation of Hazrat Dawood, Hazrat Musa, Hazrat Isa and other prophets. I led them in (Namaz) prayer. Then Buraq brought me down and left.”
Muslims consider this eye-witnessed account of Hazrat Muhammad to be true. Therefore, your theory proved to be wrong that after death until doomsday, Baba Adam, Hazrat Dawood, Musa, Isa etc, whom Hazrat Muhammad ji saw in heaven, should have been in tombs instead of heaven, and Baba Adam's children, whom Hazrat Muhammad saw above in heaven and hell, should also have been in the tombs. Your theory is wrong.
Hazrat Muhammad ji had three sons and four daughters from Khadija ji. All the three sons died in front of the eyes of Muhammad ji.