(Kaadir) Almighty Allah Kabir

{Allah Kabir used to say that Hindus and Muslims, Jews and Christians, you all are children of one God. Kaal Shaitan has divided you by misleading you.}
Once the Muslim Emperor of Delhi, Sikandar Lodhi, developed burning pain in whole of his body. Burning pain is similar to when someone’s hand gets burnt in the fire; it is excruciatingly painful. In this illness, the body does not appear burnt from anywhere, but the pain is extreme. It is called burning pain. When the sins of a living being increase, the medicine also becomes ineffective. The same thing happened with Sikandar Lodhi, the Emperor of Delhi. He took all kinds of medicines. He sent for eminent doctors and kept a reward saying that he who cures me will get whatever he asks for. God knows what a person may vow for at the time of grief! All the measures failed. After that, he received spiritual treatment from his religious leaders, Qajis, Mullahs, saints etc, but everything failed. {When we are distraught, we are no more a Hindu or a Muslim. Then we go wherever we can get relief. Generally, the Hindus say that Muslims are bad and Muslims say that Hindus are bad, but when we become unwell, then we do not see anyone as Hindu or Muslim. When a crisis befalls us, then no one is bad. Those Muslims who are bad are bad and those Hindus who are bad are also bad, but there are good people in both too. There are good and bad people in every religion, but we are living beings. Our race is living being, our religion is mankind, and our aim is to attain God.} He also sent for Hindu doctors and spiritual saints. He himself also went and met them and took blessings from everyone and got incantations performed, but all efforts were in vain. Someone told him that there is a great man named Kabir in the city of Kashi. If he shows mercy to you, your suffering will surely be relieved.
When Emperor Sikandar heard that a great man lived in Kashi, he vaguely recalled that he may be the same person who had even resurrected the cow. With thousands of bodyguards, he left for Kashi from Delhi. Birsingh Baghela, the King of Kashi had already become a disciple of Lord Kabir after hearing the glory and knowledge of Lord Kabir and had full faith in his Gurudev. He was aware of Lord Kabir's power because God Kabir had performed many divine acts there.
When Sikandar Lodhi went to Banaras (Kashi), he said to Bir Singh, “I am distraught. Now all that remains is to die. Is there a saint named Kabir here in Kashi? You must be familiar with his stature.” As soon as the King of Kashi, Bir Singh, heard this from Emperor Sikandar’s mouth, his eyes filled with tears and he said, “Now you have come to the right place. Now your sorrow will end.” Emperor Sikandar asked, “What makes you say so?” Bir Singh said, “That Kabir is God Himself. He is the embodiment of God. If he showed mercy, your disease will be cured.” Emperor Sikandar said, “Call him quickly.” The King of Kashi, Birdev Singh Baghel, humbly prayed, “Your wish is my command; I will send for him. But I have heard that saints should not be sent for. Even if they come and did not show grace, there will be no benefit. The rest is your wish.” Sikandar said, “Alright, I will myself go to him. I have come this far, I will definitely go there too.”