Throwing Lord Kabir into a Deep Well by Shekhtaqi

Shekhtaqi saw that he [Lord Kabir] did not even die by this method. He gathered the Muslims again and said, “This time, after putting this Kabir in a well, we will throw mud, bricks and stones from above. Then we will see how he will survive?” The innocent people were ready to do as Pir ji said.
Shekhtaqi said to Sikandar Lodhi, “We will test him [Lord Kabir] one more time.” Sikandar asked, “What test will you take?” Shekhtaqi said, “We will put him in a deep well and then we will see how he survives from there.”
{Now even after seeing so many divine spectacles, the Emperor did not believe in his Master. Otherwise, he could have threatened Shekhtaqi, “Do whatever you have to do. I will not distress my God anymore.” Then he would have seen whether he lost his kingdom or prospered.} The Emperor thought, “I might lose my kingdom.” Emperor Sikandar Lodhi prayed to Lord Kabir, “This Shekhtaqi is not conceding, and he has such and such a demand today.” Venerable God Kabir said, “It is fine. Let him do whatever he wants to do. I also do not want to live anymore. I am fed up. Tell him to do whatever he wants to do.”
Shekhtaqi took Lord Kabir with him with his hands and feet tied up and got him thrown into a deep well. He had gathered thousands of people there. It was a very deep, dark well in which the water was dirty and little. He then filled it up with soil, thorny bushes, dung, bricks etc. to a hundred and fifty feet high. Then Shekhtaqi, after washing his hands and face, went to Sikandar Lodhi and said, “Emperor! I have finished your lion off. So much soil has been poured on him that now he cannot come out in any way.” Sikandar Lodhi asked, “Pir ji! Who are you talking about?” Shekhtaqi said, “About your Gurudev (spiritual teacher) Kabir. We have finished him off today.” Sikandar said, “Pir ji! Revered Lord Kabir is sitting inside the room. He has not gone anywhere.” Shekhtaqi went inside and saw that Revered Lord Kabir was sitting comfortably on a seat in the room inside. Shekhtaqi became even more jealous that this Kabir is not dying despite all efforts to kill him. What should be done now? Other wise people conceded; thousands of people took initiation and became disciples of Lord Kabir, but that wicked Shekhtaqi did not give in.
Shaahtaqi nahin lakhi, Niranjan chaal re | is parchey tae aage maangey javaal re ||
Shekhtaqi could not understand the glory of Bandi Chhor God Kabir. He should have apologised by falling at the feet of God and got his self-welfare done, but due to pride and ego, he became an enemy of the Lord. Shekhtaqi inflicted several other atrocities. Lord Kabir returned to Kashi.