Where is the Proof that Allah Kabir is Almighty God

Where is the proof that Allah Kabir was performing the divine acts in the form of Al-Khijr?
Where is the proof that Weaver Kabir (of Kashi, India) is himself (Kaadir) Almighty Allah who has created everything.
Answer: - First, let me prove that the weaver named Kabir, who used to live in Kashi (Banaras) city, is the God who created the entire universe. For this, there are several eyewitnesses who saw that (Kaadir) Almighty Allah sitting on the (Takht) throne above and told that Kabir, who used to play the role of a weaver in the city of Kashi (India country), is Himself the Almighty God.
Witness no. 1: - Sant Garibdas ji, Village-Chhudani, District-Jhajjar, State-Haryana (Country-India): -
Sant Garibdas ji, a ten-year-old boy, along with other cowherds of the village had gone to his fields to graze cows as usual. In Vikrami Samvat 1784 (1727 C.E.), on the (Shudi Dwadashi) twelfth day of the bright fortnight of the Falgun month (mid-February to mid-March), around ten o'clock in the day, the cowherds and the boy Garibdas ji were eating food while sitting in the shade of a Jandi tree (Jandi is the name of a tree which belongs to the species of acacia). Supreme God in the guise of Jinda Baba (Al-Khijr) travelled from the throne above in the sky and descended on earth at some distance and went to the cowherds. That Jandi tree was on the unpaved road leading from village-Kablana to village-Chhudani and was in the field of Sant Garibdas ji, adjacent to the border of Kablana. {Sant Garibdas’ father had one thousand three hundred seventy-five (1375) acres of land in the village. A pasture was made on the same land in which other poor people of village Chhudani also took their cows for grazing.} Seeing Jinda Baba, i.e., a sadhu, one of the older cowherds said, “Baba ji, have food.” The sage said, "I have come after eating food at my abode." Several cowherds said in unison, "If you do not eat food, drink milk." God said, “Give me milk, but give milk of that cow who has never given birth, that is, of a virgin cow.” The cowherds considered it a joke.
Boy Garibdas got up and brought one of his dear heifers and said, “O Baba ji! How can this virgin cow give milk?” Baba Ji said, “It will give milk. Bring a clean vessel and put it under its udders.” Sant Garibdas ji took an earthen pot (a small, clean pitcher of 3-4 kg capacity) and while holding it under the udders of the heifer, sat down. Baba Jinda (Al-Khijr) patted the heifer’s back with his hand. Instantly, the udders became longer and somewhat thicker, and milk started coming out. When that vessel of 3-4-kilogram capacity filled up, the milk stopped coming from the udders. Child Garibdas ji gave that pot full of milk to Baba ji and said, “This has been obtained only by your grace; please drink it.” Baba Jinda drank some milk by putting that pot to his lips. He directed the rest towards those cowherds and said, “Drink it; this is Prasaad (blessed).” The other cowherds got up and left. They said, “This milk has been extracted from a virgin calf through sorcery. We will become possessed by ghosts or evil spirits. He seems to be an exorcist (who expels an evil spirit from a person). The milk of a heifer is sinful milk. Who knows which lower caste this Baba belongs to. We will not drink his sipped milk.”
Boy Garibdas ji took the vessel from Baba and drank some milk from it as the cowherds watched. The older cowherds advised the boy not to drink milk. The child did not listen to them. Everyone went far away. Baba Jinda and child Garibdas ji remained. Then Baba Jinda narrated some knowledge. The child expressed a desire to see Satlok and the Almighty God (whom Baba had described to be more powerful than Brahma ji, Vishnu ji and Shiv ji) with his own eyes. Jinda Baba took out the soul of child Garibdas from his body and took it to the sky. He showed the worlds of Brahma ji, Vishnu ji and Shiv ji, showed heaven and hell. He showed Brahmlok (Mahajannat / Great Heaven) of Kaal Brahm. Then he took him further up to his Amarlok (immortal world). The Jinda Baba who had gone with the child sat down on the throne built above. At that time, he acquired the form of God. The brightness of one hair of the body of God was more than the light of crores of suns. Amarlok was illuminated. Child Garibdas ji also acquired a different body whose brightness was equivalent to the light of sixteen suns. All the male and female devotees (hans / hansni) of Amarlok started prostrating themselves before Supreme God. They started chanting "Glory be to Kabir Satpurush!". Everyone said, “This is Almighty God, the Creator of infinite crore brahmands (universes). His name is Kabir.” Then God put all the knowledge in the soul of his Prophet Garibdas ji. After showing the entire Satlok and all the lower worlds, he inserted the soul of the child into his body. At that time, the body of child Garibdas ji was kept on a pyre (pile of wood) for the last rites. When people were about to light the pyre, Garibdas ji got up. A wave of happiness ran through the village.
Sant Garibdas ji was initiated by the same Supreme God guised as Jinda Baba. Sant Garibdas ji described the complete spiritual knowledge that he had eye-witnessed as well as heard from the lotus-mouth of the Supreme God, in the form of couplets, quatrains, hymns, which were written down by a Mahatma named Gopal Das who was initiated from the sect of Dadu ji. The writing work took about six months.
The context is that where is the proof that Al-Khijr is Al-Kabir? :-
As in this very topic "Information About Al-Khijr (Al-Kabir)" under the heading "Introduction of Rumi", it is written that a person named Rumi was a (maulvi) Muslim cleric in a mosque in the city of Konya in Turkey. He used to propagate the Muslim religion. People used to pay special respect to him. After comprehending the knowledge imparted by Saint Shams Tabrez, he gave up the title of Maulvi and worshipped as instructed by Guru Ji Shams Tabrez. He also become a famous poet. He told that Sultan Ibrahim ibn Adham, (Balkhi) the king of Balakh city, had renounced the kingdom after being inspired by Al-Khijr. He spent the rest of his life in the worship of Allah while staying in contact with Al-Khijr. Sultan used to have the darshan (sight) of Al-Khijr.
You have read above the entire episode of Sultan Ibrahim Ibn Adham, in which it is clear that Allah Kabir ji had inspired Sultan to worship. Therefore, Al-Khijr only is Al-Kabir. Sant Garibdas ji has also endorsed this: -
Garib, Ham Sultani Nanak taarey, Dadu koon updesh diya |
Jaati julaaha bhed na paaya, Kaashi maanhi Kabir hua ||
Meaning - Sant Garibdas ji has stated that all of us (I - Garibdas, Sultan Ibrahim ibn Adham, Nanak ji, the founder of Sikh religion, and Sant Dadu ji) were emancipated by that Satguru Supreme God Kabir who belonged to weaver caste in the city of Kashi. Then he has stated :-
Garib, anant koti brahmand ka, ek rati nahin bhaar |
Satguru Purush Kabir hain, kul ke sirjanhaar ||
Meaning - My Satguru, Supreme God Kabir, is the originator of all brahmands (universes), that is, the Creator of entire creation. He created all the worlds, stars, and constellations (sun, moon, planets) and secured them by his power, which in the language of science is called gravitational force. There is no burden of all this creation (infinite crore brahmands) on that Creator Kabir. Like, a scientist made an airplane and flew it. He himself also boarded it. Just as the scientist does not have any burden of that airplane on him; rather, he is sitting on it; similarly, Kabir Almighty Allah, having created all the worlds, is sitting on them and has also made all the living beings sit on them. This proves that Al-Khijr only is Al-Kabir.
Witness no. 2 (Sant Dadu Das ji): -
When Sant Dadu Das ji was an eleven-year-old boy, Allah Kabir in the guise of a Jinda Baba met him in a forest outside the village. After taking out the soul of Saint Dadu ji, Al-Kabir ji took him up to his Satlok. Dadu ji remained unconscious for three days and nights. Allah Kabir showed His throne above and introduced himself, “I am Purna Brahm (Supreme God). I have created the whole universe.” After showing all the brahmands (universes) to child Dadu ji, on the third day, Allah Kabir ji put his soul back in his body. Sant Dadu Das ji regained consciousness. Then people asked him, “What had happened to you?” Dadu ji told, “Allah Kabir had met me in the guise of a Baba, and He gave me initiation. He took me to the skies above.” Dadu ji had some other children of the same age with him at the time. They had also told that a Baba had turned water into a magic potion; he himself drank it and making a bowl of a betel leaf, spit that water into it and made Dadu drink it. Then Baba became invisible. Dadu lost consciousness. Sant Garibdas ji has described the knowledge received from Supreme God Kabir in his speech as follows: -
Garib, Dadu koon Satguru miley, deyi paan kee peek |
Boodha Baba jisey kahein, yeh Dadu kee nahin seekh ||
Meaning - Kabir Allah, who was disguised as Jinda Baba, had met Sant Dadu ji in the form of Satguru. He had put rinsed water from his mouth on a betel leaf and made Dadu ji drink it at the time of initiation. The people who say that Dadu had met an old Baba, who was an exorcist; Dadu did not tell this. What Dadu ji has told about this is as follows, which is written in the Dadu Granth composed of the speech uttered by Dadu ji. Speech :-
Jin mokoon nij naam diya, soyi Satguru hamaar |
Dadu doosra koyi nahin, Kabir sirjanhaar ||
Dadu naam Kabir ka, sunkar kaampe kaal |
Naam bharosae jo chaley, hovey naa baanka baal ||
Kehari naam Kabir hai, visham Kaal gajraaj |
Dadu bhajan prataap se, bhaage sunat aavaaj ||
Meaning - Dadu ji has said that the one who gave me the (Nijnaam) correct mantra of worship is my Satguru. His name is Kabir. This same Kabir is the (Creator) Originator of the whole universe (Nature).
Sant Dadu ji has said that Jyoti Niranjan (Kaal) starts trembling on hearing the name "Kabir". The name Kabir is so powerful. Kaal Brahm cannot cause any harm to a devotee who leads his life with full faith in the naam (mantra) given by Kabir ji.
Sant Dadu ji has described the power of Kabir Allah through an example that Kaal is also very powerful, but he also becomes weak in front of Kabir Allah. Kaal is as strong as (Gajraj) the king of elephants. The naam (mantra) given to worship Kabir ji is also very powerful. It is as powerful as Kehri i.e., the biggest lion. If that naam (mantra) is chanted, Kaal cannot stand before the power of that naam(mantra)-like lion, that is, hearing the subtle roar of the naam (lion), Kaal-like (Gajraj) elephant runs away. Sant Dadu Das ji has made it clear that Kabir is the Supreme God who is the Creator of the entire nature (universe).
Witness no. 3 {Saint Dharmdas ji from Bandhavgarh (Madhya Pradesh, India)}: -
Being born in Hindu religion, Dharmdas ji used to perform spiritual practice based on the incomplete knowledge imparted by Hindu religious leaders. Once, while on a pilgrimage as per the guidance of religious leaders, he had gone to Mathura (the city of Shri Krishna). He was carrying idols of gods and goddesses (Shri Vishnu, Shri Shankar and Goddess etc.) made of stone and brass in his bag. In the morning, after bathing in the holy pond (Shri Krishna used to take bath in that pond), he started worshipping the idols. At that time, Kabir Allah was present in the world to play the role of a weaver in the Kashi city of India. He arrived at the same pond in Mathura to show the true path to Dharmdas ji. He was watching Dharmdas ji doing all the actions. After worshipping the idols, Dharmdas ji recited Shrimad Bhagavat Gita. Khuda (God) Kabir was watching and listening carefully to all the actions of Dharmdas ji. When Dharmdas ji finished his daily acts of worship, then God Kabir held a discussion on spiritual knowledge with him. The rounds of discussion of knowledge lasted several days. Allah Kabir also took Dharmdas ji to the throne built in His Satlok. Dharmdas ji remained unconscious for three days. Allah Kabir showed him all the worlds above. He showed His Satlok. After explaining the entire spiritual knowledge, he put him back in his body. After that, Sant Dharmdas ji quit his previous method of worship and performed the true worship preached by Allah Kabir, who had Himself come as His own prophet, and attained complete salvation. Dharmdas ji uttered many speeches in the glory of Allah Kabir: -
Aaj mohe darshan diyo ji Kabir ||
Amarlok se chalkar aaye, kaatan jam ki janjeer |
Hindu ke tum dev kahaaye, musalmaan ke peer |
Dono deen ka jhagda chhid gaya, toha naa paaya shareer ||
Dharmdas ki arj gunsaai, kheva langhaaiyo parle teer ||
Meaning - Dharmdas ji, after seeing Satlok, accepted that Kabir, the weaver of Kashi, is the (Kaadir) Almighty Allah, the Creator of the whole universe. He gave a detailed eye-witnessed description of His magnificence.
When Supreme God Kabir physically (along with His body) went to Satlok from Maghar town of Gorakhpur district of Uttar Pradesh state of India, at that time, Hindu King Bir Singh, who was the king of Kashi city, and Muslim Nawab Bijli Khan Pathan, who was the Nawab of Maghar town, both were his disciples. Many Hindus and Muslims, who are said to be sixty-four lakhs in number, from Maghar, Kashi and many other places were also disciples of Kabir ji. When Kabir Ji mentioned about going to Satlok, then the people of both the religions (Hindu and Muslim) and the kings, insisting that the last rites be performed in their own way, became ready to fight. Then Kabir ji said to them, “Do not fight after I am gone. I will lay one sheet under me and one over me. Divide my body into two parts and take one sheet and half of the body each. I will abandon the one who fights.” A sheet was laid. Devotees reverently spread fragrant flowers two to three inches thick on it. Kabir ji lay on top of them. He covered himself with a sheet. The people of both the religions had malicious thoughts in their minds; they were thinking, “Last rites of half a body is bad omen; therefore, we will acquire the whole body by fighting and then we will perform the last rites.” Allah Kabir even knows our thoughts. After some time, a voice came from the sky, “Lift the sheet and see, there is no dead body under it.” When everyone looked up, they saw Kabir ji was going upwards in the sky. He was saying, “I am Supreme God Kabir, the (Kartaar) Creator of the whole universe. You could not understand me.” When they lifted the sheet, there was a pile of fragrant flowers equivalent to the size of a dead body. (Khuda) God Kabir had mounted His throne in the sky. If God had not performed that miracle, there would have been a fierce battle between the Hindus and the Muslims. Thousands of people would have been killed. No one could avert that disaster except God. At that very moment, Hindus and Muslims hugged each other and wept bitterly in the grief of Allah's departure. They said, “We did not recognise Allah. We have made a big mistake.” One sheet and half of the flowers were given to each of the religion. Bijli Khan Pathan (Nawab of Maghar), for his Pir Kabir Ji, gave space to both the religions to perform the last rites of the flowers at one place (within a distance of hundred feet). Both the religions performed the last rites of a sheet and half of the flowers according to their respective custom. Even today both the memorials are present in Maghar town (District - Sant Kabir Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, India). Bijli Khan Pathan had (zakat) donated 500 bighas of land each for both the memorials.
When Supreme God Kabir left from the midst of everyone, then Sant Dharmdas ji cried in his separation and said, “O Supreme God Kabir! Please visit me again. You had travelled from your throne in Satlok and come to earth to sever the chain of the bondage of our deeds. A fight was about to break between the two (deen) religions. Everyone had prepared their respective armies to fight with weapons. Your body was not found. You are Almighty Allah. This divine act is sufficient to understand this. O Supreme God! Convey the (kheva) boat of my life across to (parle teer) the other side of the world-like river, that is, grant me salvation. After some days, Allah Kabir ji came from Satlok and again met Sant Dharmdas ji. He stayed with him. He sent Sant Dharmdas ji to Satlok. This proves that the one who had met Hazrat Muhammad Sallam in the form of Al-Khijr, that Al-Kabir alone is the Creator of the universe.
Witness no. 4 (Sant Malook Das ji): -
Kabir ji also took Sant Malook Das ji to Satlok. After showing all the arrangement, He left him back in his body. Earlier Malook Das ji was a supreme devotee of Shri Krishna and Shri Ramchandra (Shri Vishnu ji). After that, relinquishing the previous worship, he performed the method of worship preached by Khuda (God) Kabir. He attained salvation. Sant Malook Das said: -
Japo re man Saaheb naam Kabir, japo re man Parmeshwar naam Kabir ||
Ek samay Guru bansi bajaai, kaalandri ke teer |
Sur nar munijan thakat bhaye, ruk gaya jamna neer ||
Amrit bhojan mhaare Satguru jeemein, shabd doodh ki kheer |
Daas Malook salook kahat hai, khojo Khasam Kabir ||
Meaning - Sant Malook Das ji has clarified that chant the naam (mantra) of God Kabir. Search for that (Khasam) Master of all, Kabir; recognise Him. After performing true worship, go to God Kabir in Satlok. As has been stated about Shri Krishna that he used to play melodious flute. Hearing its tune, the female cowherds and the cows used to get attracted to him. Malook Das has told that once my Satguru Kabir ji played the flute on the banks of the river Jamna (Kaalandri), on hearing which the gods of heaven, sages and people of nearby villages were drawn to Him. And what can I say? Even the water of the Jamna River came to a halt. My Satguru eats the kheer (pudding) of the Shabd (word), that is, along with nectar food, he also enjoys eternal bliss. Sant Malook Das ji gave an eye-witnessed account that Kabir is Complete God (Purna Brahm / Kaadir Allah / Almighty God).
Witness no. 5 (Shri Nanak Dev ji): -
God had met Shri Nanak Ji when Shri Nanak Dev Saheb Ji used to work in the storehouse of Nawab in Sultanpur city. Bein river flows half a kilometer away from Sultanpur city. Shri Nanak ji used to go daily to bathe in that river.
One day, God appeared on the Bein river in the attire of Jinda Baba. There He had a discussion with Shri Nanak Dev Ji on spiritual knowledge. After that, Shri Nanak ji took a dip in the river, but he did not come out. The people present there assumed that Nanak ji had drowned in the river. The people of the city also searched by putting a net in the river but were disappointed because Shri Nanak Dev ji had gone to Sachkhand (Satlok) with the Supreme God who had appeared in the form of Jinda Baba. After three days, Shri Nanak Dev Ji returned to Earth. He stood on the same spot on the bank of the Bein river from where he had disappeared. The joy of the residents of Sultanpur knew no bounds on seeing Shri Nanak ji alive. Shri Nanak's sister Nanaki was also married in Sultanpur city. Shri Nanak ji used to live with his sister. Sister Nanaki, who was saddened by the grief of her brother's death, was astonished and the grief turned into joy. Shri Nanak Dev met God; he got the true knowledge and the true naam (Satyanam). In both the books, Bhai Bale Wali "Janm Sakhi Guru Nanak Dev Ji" and in Praan Sangli in Hindi script, whose editor is Sant Sampoorn Singh, there is evidence that Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji himself told Mardana, “I met God in the form of Jinda Baba on the Bein river, when I went to take a bath. I had stayed with Him for three days. That Jinda Baba is my Satguru as well as the Creator of the universe. Therefore, only He is entitled to be called "Baba"; others should not be called "Baba". His name is Kabir.”
Kaayam Daayam Kudarti Sab Peeran Sir Peer Aalam Badaa Kabir |
Therefore, Shri Nanak ji's speech (Mehla 1) matches with the Sukshmved. It is correct. The speech of other saints is not so accurate. The reason is that Shri Nanak Dev Ji had met God Kabir Ji.
Evidence: - The speech written in Sri Guru Granth Sahib on page 24: -
Ek suan duyi suaani naal bhalke bhonkahi sadaa biaal,
Kudh chhura mutha murdaar Dhaanak roop rahaa Kartaar |
Tera ek naam taare sansaar main eho aash eho aadhar,
Dhaanak roop rahaa Kartaar |
Faahi surat malooki vesh, eh thagwaada thagi desh |
kharaa siyaana, bahuta bhaar, Dhaanak roop rahaa Kartaar ||
The following speech is written in Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, on Page 731: -
Neech jaati pardeshi mera, kshan aavae kshan jaavae |
Jaaki sangat Nanak rahanda, kyukar munda paavae ||
On page 721, the following speech is written: -
Yak arj guftam pesh todar, koon Kartaar |
Hakka Kabir Kareem Tu Beyaeb Parvardigaar ||
This above-mentioned sacred speech is from Shri Guru Granth Sahib ji, which proved that God had met Shri Nanak ji. He is "Kabir Kartaar" (Kabir, the Creator) who had come to Kashi to perform a divine act in the form of a Dhaanak (weaver).
It is clear from the above pieces of evidence that Kabir, the weaver from Kashi (India), is the Creator of all; He is the Almighty God who sustains and nurtures everyone. He alone, in the form of Al-Khijr, had met good souls. By disguising in other such forms, He also makes the righteous souls aware of the best method of worship. It is also clear from the above topic of Sultan Ibrahim ibn Adham that Al-Khijr only is Kabir Allah.