Brief Introduction to Baba Adam

Origin of Baba Adam
In Holy Bible, Chapter Genesis, it has been said that God created the universe in six days and took rest on the seventh day. God did other creation for five days, then on the sixth day, God said that we would make man in our own image.
Then God made man in His own image. He created humans as male and female. Then God gave only fruitful trees and seed-bearing plants for humans to eat, which are for your food. After completing the entire work in six days, God went up and sat on the throne i.e., took rest.
God first created Adam, then taking out his rib, He made the woman Eve, and leaving both in a garden, He went and sat on the throne.
Knowledge Giver God of Quran and Bible Does Not have Complete Knowledge
- Important: In the Book Bible, the knowledge of the origin of the universe has been told by Jyoti Niranjan (Kaal). This is incomplete information about the creation of the universe. In Quran Majeed Surah Furqan-25 Verse 59, this same God has said to Hazrat Muhammad ji that the one who created the world in six days and sat on the throne on the seventh day, is the Almighty Supreme God (Kaadir Allah). Ask a (Baakhabar) Tatvdarshi Saint for information about him.
It clarifies that the giver of the knowledge of Quran Majeed does not impart full knowledge. He keeps the public confused.
- This same Allah has given the knowledge of the Bible. The Bible has been formed by combining three books. It contains the knowledge of Taurat, Zaboor and Injil. The creation of the universe is written in the Book Taurat, which is the first in the Bible. This same Allah has given the knowledge of Taurat to Hazrat Musa ji. One day, Musa ji was delivering a sermon. A member of the congregation asked, “Musa, who is the most learned at present?” Musa said, “I am the most knowledgeable.” Allah said, “Musa! You are wrong. Your knowledge (Knowledge of Taurat) is nothing in comparison to the knowledge of a person (Al-Khijr). Musa goes to Al-Khijr to gain complete knowledge. Due to lack of patience, he returns empty-handed.
This proves that the story of the creation of the universe is incomplete. Allah Akbar (Kabir) himself has correctly imparted the complete knowledge of the creation. Read it in the last chapter "Creation of Nature" of this book.
(Now I will move on to my topic.) The followers of everyone from Baba Adam to Prophet Muhammad consider God to be formless. Whereas Allah has been described as a corporeal man in their texts. They have not even understood their texts properly.
See Proof next.