God (Allah) is Like a Human

God created man in His own resemblance, that is, God made man as His replica. It is self-evident from this that God (Allah) is in form (corporeal) and he is like a human. That Supreme God, after doing creation up to this point in six days, sat on the throne in His Satyalok on the seventh day. After this, the maze of Lord Kaal i.e., Jyoti Niranjan commenced.
There is also other evidence in the Bible book itself that God is in the form of a man, he grants audience. (Evidence on Page 17 in Genesis 17:1-2, "The Sign of the Covenant is Circumcision.")
Genesis 17:1-2 - When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the (Yehovah) Lord appeared to him and said, "I am the Almighty. Walk in my presence and be perfect.
Genesis 26:1-3 (Page 17): - Yehovah (Lord) appeared to Isaac and said, "Do not go to Egypt. Live in the country where I tell you to live. I will be with you."
It has been proved from the above evidence that God is in the form of a man; He is corporeal. The topic being discussed is of Hazrat Adam: -