Kaal Used to Perform Miracles Through Jesus

{It is written in Kabir Sagar i.e., Kalam-e-Kabir (Sukshmved) that when God Kabir came to this (Lok) world of Kaal Brahm in the form of Jogjit in Satyayug, Kaal Brahm (Jyoti Niranjan) (who is the lord of twenty-one brahmands) had a dispute with Kabir ji. But he could not stand before the power of Kabir God. He apologised holding His feet. When he was forgiven, he said, “O Jogjit! Why have you come?” God said, “You have misled all living beings by giving them incomplete knowledge. I have come to impart true spiritual knowledge. When Kalyug comes, then I will come. I will run the real Kabir Panth.” Then Kaal had said, “Before you come in Kalyug, I will mislead everyone by giving incomplete knowledge. I will get the incomplete knowledge propagated through the (prophets) messengers sent by me. No one will listen to you. For this purpose, Kaal Brahm sent Shri Ramchandra ji and Shri Krishna ji etc. incarnations and prophets from Hazrat Adam to Hazrat Muhammad.}
The birth and death of Jesus and whatever miracles he performed were predetermined by Brahm (Jyoti Niranjan).
This evidence is in the Holy Bible in Book of Yohana Chapter 9 Verses 1 to 34. It is written that a person was blind from birth. He came to Jesus Christ, and he became healthy with the blessings of Jesus. His eyesight got restored. The disciples asked, “O Christ, what sin did this person or his parents commit, due to which he became blind and his parents obtained a blind son.” Jesus said, “He has not committed any sin due to which he has become blind, neither has his parents sinned due to which they have got a blind son. This has happened because the magnificence of the Lord has to be revealed.”
The meaning is that if there had been a sin, Jesus could not have healed his eyes. And in order to glorify Jesus, Kaal Brahm had blinded him by his power through some ghost. As soon as the man came to Jesus, the ghost left his body and he started seeing.
All this is a well-planned web of Kaal Jyoti Niranjan (Brahm) so that the incarnation sent by him gets glorified, and all the people living nearby being attracted to him become steadfast in the religious practices of Brahm Kaal as told by him, so that when the messenger of God comes, no one believes him.
For example, it has been written in the miracles of Jesus Christ that he cured a person possessed by a ghost. This Kaal himself induces any ghost or Pitra (deceased ancestor) to enter one's body. Then by sending that person through someone to the prophet sent by him, makes an angel enter the prophet's body, and drives away the ghost through the angel. In this way, his incarnation (Christ / Prophet) becomes glorified.
Or if a worshipper is endowed with earnings of worship from previous lives, Kaal also gets such miracles done by him through his own earnings of worship, and by glorifying that worshipper, makes thousands of followers of him and entraps them in Kaal's web. And he puts that worshipper saint in hell after getting all his previous earnings of worship exhausted.
A similar example is in the Holy Bible in Chapter ‘Samuel’ 16:14-23 that a man named Saul was afflicted by an evil spirit. Boy Dawood was called for him, and he used to get some relief from him.
The death of Jesus Christ was predetermined
The death of Jesus Christ was predetermined. Jesus himself said, “My death is near and one of you (my twelve disciples) only will hand me over to the opponents.” In the same night, Jesus along with all the disciples went to a mountain. There he started feeling anxious. He said to his disciples, “Stay awake. My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. You should also pray to God for the protection of my life.” Saying this, Jesus Christ went a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed (38,39). When he returned to his disciples, they were sleeping. Jesus said, “Can you not stay awake with me even for a moment. Stay awake, keep praying, so that you do not fail in the test. My soul is ready to die, but my body is weak.” Likewise, Jesus Christ went a little farther three times and prayed, and each time he returned, he found all the disciples sleeping. Jesus Christ was about to die, but his disciples were sleeping carefree. They were not grieved by their Guruji’s adversity.
When he found them sleeping for the third time also, he said, “My time has come; you are still sleeping.” In the meantime, a huge crowd came carrying swords and clubs and with them was a special disciple of Jesus Christ, who, in the greed of thirty rupees, handed over his Guru to the opponents. (Matti (Matthew) 26:24-55 Page 42-44)
It is clear from the above description that the pious soul, Jesus Christ, only got his predetermined life span, which was already written about him in the earlier religious scriptures.
It is written in "Matti Rachit Samachar (Gospel of Matthew), Page 1 that Yakub's son was Yusuf. Yusuf was the father of Isa (Jesus) in the eyes of the world, but Maryam was impregnated by an angel. {Matti (Matthew) 1:1-18}