Angels Used to Enter Jesus Christ and Perform Miracles

At one place, Jesus Christ has said that I was even before Yakub (Jacob). In the eyes of the world, the grandfather of Jesus Christ was Yakub. If the spirit of Jesus had been speaking, Jesus would not have said, “I was even before Yakub i.e., my grandfather.” If this statement is believed to be true, then repeated birth and death are proved. But the offspring of Hazrat Adam do not believe in repeated birth and death. Some other angel was speaking from inside Jesus who used to enter his body like a ghost, make predictions and he only used to perform the miracles. It is written in the Bible that God had sent Jesus from near Him. Jesus was the son of God.
Another unique example is in the Bible 2 Corinthians 2:12-18 Page 259-260. It is clearly written that a spirit by possessing someone is giving a message by writing a letter. It is said that 2:14 = But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and spreads the fragrance of his knowledge everywhere through us. 2:17 = We are not among those who adulterate the words of God. We speak in Christ with sincerity, as envoys of God and in God’s presence.
(The above description has been written in its entirety from the Holy Bible Chapter Corinthians 2:12 to 18, Pages 259-260.) Two things become clear from this.
- Some other angel used to speak in Christ (Prophet i.e., incarnation) and get books written down. The one who is sent by God narrates the message of God slavishly without any change.
- The second thing that has also been proved is that other spirits also speak in Christ (Prophet) who when they speak also mix their own statements. This is the reason that in the Quran Majeed and the Bible etc, the order to eat meat is of the other spirits, not of the Lord.
It is also clear from the above description that the angel is saying that to spread the fragrance of Lord’s glory, the Lord uses us only in Christ (incarnation / prophet) by entering us in his body like a ghost. The miracles are performed by the angels, the name is of the prophet, and the innocent souls considering that prophet to have full power, become his followers. They become firm on the path of worship shown by him. When the messenger of the Supreme God comes, they disbelieve his words. All this is the web of Brahm Kaal (Jyoti Niranjan).
Death of Jesus Christ

At the age of 30, on a mountain, Jesus was praying repeatedly to the Lord in fear for his life. He also had some disciples with him. At that time, one of his disciples, in the greed of 30 rupees, came to the same mountain with the opponents of his guru ji (spiritual teacher); they were wielding swords and sticks. A mob of opponents caught Jesus from that secret place where he used to spend the nights in hiding. Because Jews, the followers of Hazrat Musa, had become sworn enemies of Jesus. The mahants, saints and priests of the temples of that time were afraid that if their followers would go to Jesus Christ, then their income from religious offerings would reduce. They arrested Jesus Christ and took him to the governor and said, “He is a hypocrite. He deceives the world by becoming a fake prophet. He has ruined the homes of many. Let he be crucified to death.” The governor named Pilatus first forbade by saying that saints and seers should not be hurt, it is a sin. But the crowd was huge, and started shouting slogan, “Crucify him.” Then the governor said, “Do as you think is appropriate.” Making 30-year-old Jesus stand against a “T” shaped wood on the wall, thick iron nails were hammered into both his feet and palms of the hands. Jesus died of unbearable pain. Before death, Jesus Christ said in a loud voice, “O my Lord! Why have you abandoned me?” After a few days, Jesus Christ was seen again. (Holy Bible Matthew 27 and 28/20 Page 45 to 48).
It is clear from the above description that this Brahm (Kaal / Jyoti Niranjan) even deceives his incarnation in their hour of need. Only the Supreme God himself appears to maintain the faith in worship. After the death of Jesus, it was the Supreme God who appeared in the form of Jesus and kept the faith of the Christians firm in the worship of God; otherwise, considering the previous miracles performed by Jesus, on seeing the end of Jesus, no person would have performed worship and they would have become atheists. (Evidence in Holy Bible, Book of Yohana, Chapter 16 Verses 4 to 15.) This is what Brahm (Kaal) wants. Kaal (Brahm) sends virtuous souls as his incarnation (Rasool/ messenger). Then, through miracles, he makes him devoid of his earnings of worship. By also entering some angels (demi-gods) in him, he gets some miracles performed by the angels with their previous earnings of worship. He makes them powerless too. In this way, the prophets (incarnations) sent by Brahm (Kaal / Jyoti Niranjan) are glorified. Ignorant worshippers get influenced by them and become steadfast in the same way of worship.
When the Supreme God or His messenger tries to explain the true spiritual knowledge and worship, then no one listens to him and people express disbelief. This is Kaal God’s trap, about which only the Supreme God tells, and by providing true worship, He protects the worshipper throughout life. By doing true worship, the worshipper attains complete salvation.