Brahma Placed Adam and Eve in Heaven

Kaal (Jyoti Niranjan) has got all his arrangements made via his three sons. Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv are the three sons of Kaal. Adam ji was a holy soul who had come from the (lok) world of Brahma. Therefore, Brahma took care of Adam in the garden. (Kaal Brahm was in the form of his son Brahma.)
The Lord told Hazrat Adam and Hazrat Eve (Adam's wife), “You can eat the fruits of the trees planted in this garden. But do not eat the fruits of the trees in the middle. If you eat it, you will die.” God left after saying this. After that the snake came and said, “Why are you not eating the fruits of these trees in the middle of the garden?” Eve said, “God (Allah) has forbidden us that if you eat them, you will die; do not eat them.” The snake again said, “God has misguided you. He does not want you to become knowledgeable like God. If you eat these fruits, you will know the good and bad. The veil of ignorance that the Lord has put on you will be removed from your eyes.” The snake said this to Eve, Adam’s wife. Eve said to her husband, Hazrat Adam, “If we eat these fruits, we will get the knowledge of good and bad.” This is what happened. When they ate that fruit, their eyes opened and that darkness of the veil of ignorance that God had put on them was removed. When they saw that both of them were naked, they felt ashamed. They plucked fig leaves and making loincloths out of them, tied them around their private parts.
{He, whom everyone from Adam to Muhammad consider their God, is also in the form like a human being.} After a few days, when the Lord came for a walk in the evening, he asked Adam and Eve, “Where are you?” Adam and Eve said, “Hearing your voice, we have hidden because we are naked.” God said, “Did you eat the fruit of the trees in the middle of the garden?” Adam said, “Yes, and after eating it, we realized that we were naked.” Lord asked, “Who told you to eat this fruit.” Adam said, “The snake told us and we ate it. He misguided my wife Eve and we fell into his trap and ate this fruit.”
Genesis 3:21 - Then Lord Yehovah made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them.
Important: - The God of Hazrat Adam is not (Kaadir) Almighty. He does not even know where Adam and Eve are. Neither does he know who told them to eat the fruit of the trees in the middle of the garden by which they will get the knowledge of good and bad. It is necessary to mention here that in Quran Majeed, Surah Al Baqra-2 Verses no. 35-38, he who revealed the knowledge of the Quran has said that we placed Adam and Eve in a garden in Heaven. When they made a mistake after being misled by Shaitan (Satan), we banished them from heaven to earth.