Allah Kabir Met Hazrat Muhammad

As evidenced in the Vedas, the Supreme God i.e., (Kaadir) Almighty Allah, the Creator of the whole universe (creation), comes from the throne above in the sky and meets the righteous souls on the earth. Hazrat Muhammad ji is among those noble souls whom Allah Akbar met. But no one has seen Allah. Other scholars describe Allah to be (Bechoon) formless based on wrong knowledge. Due to which, it is difficult to believe that he, who met him in the form of Al-Khijr, is Allah Taala alone. For this reason, Hazrat Muhammad could not recognise Allah Taala who met him in the form of Al-Khijr.
Allah Taala also met Sant Garibdas ji
Allah Taala in the guise of Baba Jinda i.e., Al-Khijr had also met Sant Garibdas ji (Village-Chhudani, District-Jhajjar, State-Haryana, Country-India) at the age of ten. When child Garibdas ji did not believe that this is Supreme God Himself in the form of Baba Jinda, then Allah Taala took Sant Garibdas ji up in the sky to His Satlok where His throne is. God gave child Garibdas ji a tour of all the skies {brahmands (universes) and Loks (worlds)} above. He showed him all the arrangements there. He inserted (Tatvgyan) true spiritual knowledge into his soul. He brought Sant Garibdas ji back in his body on the earth.
Considering child Garibdas dead, he was placed on a pile of wood on the pyre. It was ready to be set on fire. At that very moment, child Garibdas ji came back to life. He got up and walked away. What Allah Akabir (Supreme God Kabir) told Sant Garibdas, Sant Garibdas ji told that by uttering speech (verses) from his mouth that Kabir Ji had said that: -
Garib khuraasaan kaabul kilaa, bagdaad banaaras ek |
Balakh aur vilaayat (England) tak, Ham hee dhaaren bhesh ||
Meaning - Khuda (God) Kabir has told that I alone go in different guises to all the countries and regions on the whole earth where good souls have been born, to tell them the true spiritual knowledge and the true method of worship. I go to Kabul, Khorasan (a city of Rum), and Baghdad (the capital of Iraq) among the Arab countries, to Banaras (a city of India) and to (Vilaayat) England etc. For me, all the countries and all human beings are equal.
God Kabir in the guise of a Jinda had also met Hazrat Muhammad in the city of Mecca.
God Kabir had told Sant Garibdas about His meeting with Muhammad. Speech (from ‘Amar Kachh Ramaeni’): -
Muhmand bodh suno brahm gyaani, shankar deep se aaye praani || (24)
Lok deep koon Ham legaeoo, ichchha roopi vahaan na raheoo || (25)
Ulat Muhmand mahal pathaaya, gujh beeraj ek kalma dhaaya || (26)
Roja bang, nivaaj daee re, bismal kee nahin baat kahee re || (27)
Meaning - Kabir ji has told that the soul of Prophet Muhammad had come from (Shankar dweep) the world of the deity Shiv (Tamgun). He used to mostly remain engrossed in worship. Jibriel, the angel sent by Kaal, gave him the knowledge of Kaal Brahm by intimidating him. Hazrat Muhammad conveyed that knowledge, which is incomplete and keeps one entrapped in Kaal's web, to the public. When I (God Kabir) saw that the righteous soul Muhammad had got caught in the web of Kaal, then I met him. I explained true knowledge to him. On his request, I took him up to my world where my throne is. I also showed his Shankar Dweep (the world of deity Shiv) to him from where he had come on the earth. But Muhammad did not express his desire to live in Satlok. So, I left him back in his body. Nevertheless, I continued to secretively help Muhammad from time to time.
Speech (from ‘Muhammad Bodh’): -
Aisa gyaan Muhammad peeram, maari gaoo shabd ke teeram |
Shabdae fir jivaai, jin gosat nahin bhakhyaa | Hansa raakhya aise peer Muhammad bhaai ||
Meaning - Supreme God Kabir asked Muhammad to chant a kalma "Allah Akbar", by which (siddhis) spiritual powers appeared in Muhammad ji. One day Muhammad ji killed a cow by the power of word and then resurrected it in front of hundreds of Muslims. Pir Muhammad was such a great man. He protected that living being (cow). He did not eat its meat. Speech (from ‘Amar Kachh Ramaeni’): -
Chaar yaar mil maslat bheeni, gaoo pakadkar bismal keenhi || (28)
Tab Ham Muhammad yaad kiya re, shabd saroopi Ham beg gaya re || (29)
Muii gaoo Ham beg jivaai, jab Muhammad ke nishchay aai || (30)
Tumh SatKabir Allah darvesa, momin Muhammad ka gaya andesha || (31)
Daas Garib anaahad theeram, bhaj lyau Satnaam aur SatKabiram || (32)
Meaning - The Muslims, in front of whom Hazrat Muhammad ji had killed a cow by the power of word and then revived it by the word itself, told this thing to everyone. Those, who were his opponents, held a meeting and decided “We will kill the cow by cutting the throat of the cow. If Muhammad revives the cow in front of us, we will agree.”
On the fixed day, the cow was slaughtered in front of thousands of Muslims and non-Muslims. Muhammad ji performed all the incantations to revive the cow, but the cow did not come back to life. Then Muhammad ji called upon Allah Kabir by uttering “Allah Akbar” several times in a loud voice. While uttering Allah Akabar, he bowed down touching his forehead on the earth and then faced towards the sky with hands spread out each time he uttered Allah Akabar, which at present is called Sajda. Then God Kabir reached there; He was only visible to Hazrat Muhammad. He was not visible to the attendees. Hazrat Muhammad bowed down to Allah Kabir and beseeched Him to save his prestige. Supreme God Kabir (Almighty Allah Kabir) immediately resurrected the cow. Then Muhammad ji's (andesha) doubt cleared and he said, “O SatKabir (Immortal Kabir)! You are indeed the Darvesh (saint i.e., prophet) of Allah.” Hazrat Muhammad was still not accepting Allah Kabir as God. He was considering him a powerful saint of God. Due to which, Supreme God Kabir disappeared after resurrecting the cow.
Seeing Hazrat Muhammad’s disinterest, God Kabir did not meet him again in that guise after that. Even after seeing so much power, he did not agree to go to Satlok under the influence of Kaal and (karm) his deeds. He did not get the true method of worship. The spiritual practice {observing fast, offering Namaz, reciting azaan (bang)} told by Kaal Brahm (the Lord who speaks from behind the curtain) does not take one to heaven. The Kalma (mantra) that Kabir Allah had given to Muhammad ji to chant, brings spiritual powers. It can provide victory in war. It does not help one in going to heaven. Due to which, Prophet Muhammad could not even go to heaven. He has gone to other prophets in the Pitar Lok. Then he will take other births.
Mention of Al-Khijr by Rumi. There is mention of Al-Khijr even in the two compositions, Masnavi and Diwan-e-Kabir, written by Rumi in the praise of his Murshid (Guru) Shams Tabrez.
Hayat-al-Qulub (Volume 2) Battle of Badr
Quoting Amirul Momineen, Ibn Babawayh says: Ali states that one night before the Battle of Badr, I saw Al-Khijr in dream. I told him that please give me such a supplication (mantra) so that I can win the battle. Al-Khijr told me to read "O He, O one who is not except that He is." In the morning, I discussed it with Hazrat Muhammad. Hearing this, Muhammad said, “Ali! Al-Khijr has taught you the greatest name of Allah.” Ali further states that I was constantly repeating the great names mentioned by Al-Khijr during the Battle of Badr.